

杰出成就奖  年度诗人奖  年度诗集奖  年度新锐奖


杰出成就奖 Outstanding Achievement Award



Award words for Gary Snyder

Gary Snyder is one of the only surviving members of the American Beat in the 20th century.  His poems are immersed in nature, and in his deep thoughts on nature, he is both a simple worker and an industrious thinker.  His introverted and extremely taut narration reached the depth of his heart in light description and grasped the core of existence in light cloud and light wind.  Therefore, his poems "are closer to the true nature of things to counter the imbalance, disorder and ignorance of our times".  His poetic thoughts broke the people-centered intolerance and called for human beings to return to the embrace of nature and the real Eden.  Gary Snyder once translated Hanshan's poems and was deeply influenced by Chinese classical poems.  Many of his poems, from smell to implication and from feeling to rhetoric, have a strong Chinese flavor and are rare in the world today as "a generation of literary masters with Chinese literature ‘Wen Xin’ ".  (Written by Xiao Xiao)



Award words for Liang Xiaobin

Liang Xiaobin is one of the most influential representatives of the Obscure School in the history of contemporary Chinese literature. In the 1980s, Liang Xiaobin used a Chinese key and the classic image of a snow-white wall to become the loudest poetic symbol of an era, recording profoundly the aesthetic and cultural experience of a generation of Chinese people, and Liang Xiaobin became a classic contemporary Chinese poet. What makes people appreciate and admire is that Liang Xiaobin's poetry writing has not stopped at the height of an era. He consciously broke through the bondage and encirclement of poetry schools and groups. With superhuman artistic courage and thought courage, he went deep into the hinterland of Chinese and life, explored both language and soul, and enjoyed a deep loneliness where almost no one arrived and witnessed.  Since the 1990s, Liang Xiaobin has created a large number of poetic texts full of artistic originality and ideological exploration. His creation at the edge gives profound and beneficial enlightenment to the impetuous and superficial prosperity of contemporary Chinese poetry.  Looking at Liang Xiaobin's more than 40 years of poetic creation, we can clearly feel the extraordinary atmosphere of the poet's increasingly profound, comprehensive and broad trend, which shows a contemporary Chinese poet's outstanding poetic creativity of constantly breaking through, renewing and sublimating himself.  (Written by Tan Wuchang)

年度诗人奖 Yearly Poet



Award words for Gabriel Jaime Franco

Colombian poet Gabriel Jamie Frank's "Cloven Voices" , in a seemingly fragmented way, for us to draw a complete world. His language is simple, the image is blurred, full of symbolic atmosphere, like Colombia's charming jungle. The world in his poems is broken, just like the reality we live in, but these fragments are the materials for building new dreams, and we can see the beautiful new world in the future.(Cao Shui)



Award words for Meier

In recent years, Meier's writing has become more and more open and thorough. She has led some regional lyricism to the world's thinking, and has extended the momentary feeling into the eternal of history. This group of works shows her efforts and achievements in this field. Kafka, Job, Cleopatra, Christ, and so on, these names are obviously related to the author's own reading, but when they enter the poet's writing, they have a moderate collision with her life experience, thus forming a religious "I and you" relationship, personal experiences and private feelings then quietly sublimate into a kind of overall concern for human beings, thus providing an ocean metaphor in the rolling of a drop of water.(Written by Wang Jianzhao)



Award words for Nadia-Cella Pop

Nadia-Cella Pop poems are simple in language, thick in content, broad in vision, strong in style, and weak in female consciousness. They are more about "intervention" and criticism of the current life and concern for the long-term vision of human beings.  This may happen to be an important reason why she is alienated and even rejected by her compatriots. Of course, it may also be related to her low-key style.  Her poems have been translated into more than 20 foreign languages and won dozens of international poetry awards, but her reputation in her own country is far lower than her international influence.  In spite of this, she is still the most powerful woman poet in Romania today.  (Written by Zhang Zhi)



Award words for Baolan

Baolan's poetic style is thick and broad and profound. She consciously digs deeply from the broad historical perspective and presents it in a thrilling way. She uses extremely concise language to create extremely tension images and shows deep humanistic care and pain of life.  She has extremely high philosophical grasp and forging ability of the phenomenal world, and has the vitality of transcending the times and space, all of which come from her unyielding newborn heart.  Her group poem "Inquiring about Mother's Name" went beyond her own grief and rose to great compassion for the country and the nation. Simplicity contained thick and peculiar features, as well as intellectual elegance and literary fluency. She was able to reach a depth and height beyond the reach of people.  Her "Zhouzhuang" distinguishes subtle between concepts and semantics, and turns over and moves freely, with profound and unique narrative skills.  She is good at absorbing nutrition from the national culture. A poem "Flowers and Full Moon" combines concrete objects with universal feelings, making her aesthetic character and language luster stand on the high ground of human spirit and poetry.  (Written by Tang Chengmao)



Award words for Luo Luo

Luo Luo continuously expresses his poetry like a river in unblocked way. His narrative perspective mostly starts from himself, sometimes flowing quietly, sometimes roaring freely, and naturally flying the vortex of emotions and the spray of the soul.  However, he is good at controlling and capturing poetic sparkles. He gazes at himself and observes himself by gazing at people and things. In the process of confirming his existence, he unscrews the cap of his soul, presents shining memories and fragments in daily life and journey, or focuses on a specific scene, and injects the tension of words into poems, thus forming spatial sensory expression in poems.  Looking at his poems, we can find that most of them come from the practice and extraction of life experience, and show a keen sense and grasp of words.  What is gratifying is that Luo Luo's exploration of poetic art not only shows his ability to control and revolve among various texts, but also expands the boundaries of language. Its direction is an accidental encounter with "charming reality".  This endless spiritual journey is enough to arouse people's feelings and is also the poet's transparent understanding and artistic attitude towards the modernity of Chinese poetry.  (Written by Zhuang Weijie)



Award words for Wang Guilin

In this group of poems, Wang Guilin provides us with moving scenes, but no matter in the former residences of Milosz and Chopin in in Poland, or in the western hills, Houhai and other fields in Beijing, any one of them is an independent world corresponding to its soul.  He approached them with his own questions, gazing at and listening to them until he went deep into the most hidden part "in the shine of heaven/ unable to light the depth", and built a "church" of his mind.  In this calm tone of middle-aged temperament, his quiet space switching in artistic processing, long-distance image grafting and subtle rhetoric, and the inner lightning hidden behind the words made him break through the old color and agitation, break through the wall in his long-term submerged writing, and also brought us into a text world of "heavy flying at the same time".  (Written by Liao Yuan)

年度诗集奖 Yearly Poetry Anthology



Award words for "Harsh Zone"

As a master of "new surrealism", the works of Charles Simic often shuttle and dig between surrealism and reality. The horror shadow of Nazi invasion in childhood made this poet who born in Belgrade and immigrated to the United States as a teenager always pays attention to the cruel destruction of society and the humanitarian disaster of the public brought by crazy politics. As in this collection of poems, “Harsh zone" is not only related to historical memory, but also implies realistic worries, "a series of heavy tragic events/pressure on all people", intended to remind people of "towering icebergs in the distance" and "winter may be just around the corner". Through the creation of these "deep images", Simic stubbornly expressed his deep concern for the real world and the plight of mankind. His creative writing of poetry with the great spirit of exploration is an indispensable existence for American and even world poetry.(Written by Han Qingcheng)



Award words for Steps of Istanbul

There is a charming artistic conception in the poetry of the Turkish poet Nurduran Duman, which is connected with the traditional Chinese aesthetics. Of course, the poems of Duman are also modern, which can well modernize the ancient images. Her poems have distinct feminine colors. She often embroiders her sadness and joy with textiles, needles, coils and colors which makes people feel fresh as the newly picked rose. Most of her poems are written around Istanbul, the ancient city between Asia and Europe, where she lives, so her poems also have the brilliance of East-West culture integration. Acutely aware of the limitations of language to represent what can actually be seen and said, Duman's poems instead present a world unavailable only belongs herself.(written by Liang XiaoMing)



Award words "Bursting Tone"

Hu Mingming's poems have the spirit of exploring the road with extreme experience.  Her poetry anthology Bursting Tone transforms the feeling of life into the deep expression of poetry, allowing flashes and rationality to flicker in the passage of time, creating a unique and self-contained poetic space with full of tension in word images.  The text of her poetry is highly unified with the text of poetry and life, and she is a truly outstanding contemporary female poet who turns life into poetry and poetry into life.  ( Written byYanxi )



Award words for "Transcendent Person"

Liu jian's poems have a strong lyricism, and this “Transcendent Person”is no exception. His genuine writing of reaching words directly is the dance of everyday life -- and withthe shackles -- but the lyricism of Liu jian is also the graceful leap and bloom of the ballet of words. Liu jian's writing is named and discovered, his perception of life, like a thermometer to the world, waves to the sea. He inherited and developed a romantic lyricism from li bai, a man from the hometown of Cao cao, who had difficulty and delicacy. his poems were food turned into wine, and wine through the Chinese language became the god of wine in his songs. This poet who writes poetry on the side of the secular, is good at cutting off the fat of the culture and making the poetry take on a more obvious texture. Sometimes he was the patron saint of the night, carrying the little lantern of words. His strong writing ability reminds me of the sea past the rocks, the spring breeze past the cherry shoots. For the poet Liu jian, poetry is more a way of life than writing. (David writes)



Award words for "Swim Across"

"Swim Across" is not only a wonderful interpretation of the real state of existence, but also a spiritual summary in the sense of existence. Undoubtedly, such a text is a kind of double consideration for the poet's cognition and ability to deal with real experience. Fortunately, the poet always starts from the details and scenes, so that the poetry of the text can obtain an effective way to generate, reflecting the poet's unique insight and effective presentation of the existence of secret language. This is not only the demonstration of the poet's keen perception, but also the most vivid poetic texture of "swim across". It is the cognitive and poetic texture extracted from the scene of existence that gives his text an unforgettable tremor and power in the entanglement with the reality. (Written by Nan ou)



Awards for "Tai Hang Amorous Feelings"

At the foot of Tai Xing mountain, poet lu Junfeng used a pen with deep and persistent to write emotional years, odes to praise for his mother. His poetry is filled with a strong feeling of Tai Hang, readers can feel his love for the land beneath his feet. They are the refinement and shaping of the poet's life and faith. They are the spiritual wealthgiven by Tai Hang mountain. They are the poet's most precious soul left in the poem collection. ( Written by Yang Siping)



Awards for "The Sky is High And Far, The Life is Boundless"

Hu Jianwen's poetry collection " The Sky is High And Far, The Life is Boundless " starts from looking up to the sky and awe, gradually moves the attention down to the hometown of his life pastoral, and places his attention on his parents and villagers, the poet regards this as his writing motivation and spiritual home. In this poem collection, the poet has mobilized a large number of hometown memories and local experience, using poetic imagination and language to outline the moving image of his hometown relatives, affection, provincialism, love expression and appeal with the texture of soil, natural, honest, warm, directly touching the hearts of people.  The poetry writing of Hu Jianwen in the background of globalization and urbanization is a sentimental color behavior of odes to China's traditional agricultural civilization, his poetry works radiate rural emotional full-bodied fragrance, reflecting the present many Chinese poets agrestic complex and spirit situation, with full of spirit cultural significance and aesthetic value. (Written by Tan WuChang)

年度新锐奖 Yearly New Prominent



Award words for C Yan C Yu

Her poems have a wide range of themes, ranging from everyday life to vast geography, history, politics, and profound human nature. Her poems have strange imagination. Today, the imagination of most poets is poor in the current political situation and social atmosphere. However, those who are proud of their spirit and full of strength are not bound but can turn their daily imagination into historical imagination and write more magnificent chapters based on such special time and space.  In a word, although she is young, she has found infinite expression between individuals and times experienced and vividly.  (Written by Liu Chuan)



Award words for Andrea Rivas
In Mexican poet Andrea Rivas's "girls and lions", we can read a strong Maiden's heart, which is presented by the lion image as the king. She usually finds poetry in her life. Like all girls, she pays attention to her lover, family, music, etc., and then turns them into a poem. Her poems portray a unique world with concise images, narrative structure and synaesthesia, reflecting her idealistic pursuit and the Intention of realism.(written byCao Shui)



Lin Jianghe Award Speech

Lin Jianghe has a unique ability to create the environment. He treats the scenery in his works as an extension of life experience. He is naive and vicissitudes of life, assured and isolated.  Young talent is the label of Lin Jianghe's poems. His abundant lyrical performance is attributed to the steep perception and strange stitching of language. Poetry here is the self-description and renewal of the youth history, and also the feelings of the young tentacles in the exploration journey.  (Written by An Haiyin)



Award words for Sheng Huahou

Sheng Huahou's rich artistic experience and life experience full of fierce contradictions prompted him to enter poetry with a writing style different from normal.  This is to set up multiple paradoxical demands in the critical narration of reality, and through the superposition of context and images, the non-fictional shock wave of reality with rebellious temperament will converge and spread out, thus achieving the social responsibility of taking poetry as the sword.  And he completed the casting of temperament from "swordsman" to "chivalrous poet" in such a refined journey of love, compassion, introspection and hope.  (Written by Da Qiang)

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