本帖最后由 秀实 于 2020-9-3 18:21 编辑

圆桌诗刊创刊于2003年, 民间季刊, 3/6/9/12 月出版, 提出了 [ 六大宣言] :


1. 诗是要 十字打开 的
我们主张中西文化的结合, 讲求将传统的资源作现代转换。这纵横两轴, 相交成为现代诗学的十字。
The Poetic Cross: Poetry unites civilizations east and west and converts cultural heritages into modern-day resources. These two forces meet to unfold the cross of modern poetics.

2. 诗是 反建制 的, 因而也是开放的
Poetry is anti-domination and anti-indoctrination, hence free and liberated. Poets wield their pens to fight all sorts of hegemony in print and in the society. Modern poetry finds delight in an ecstatic polyphonic voice and eagerly harbors differences rather than seeking uniformity.

3. 诗的真正信仰 在民间
Deep faith in poetry is always found in the ordinary people. Academic institutes only experiment with the techniques and theories of poetry, but true poetry that celebrates humanity is always written by common people who are not shackled by politics or obscure theories.

4. 诗的神髓必得是 忠诚 的
The essence of poetry is sincerity. Sincerity beckons the naked soul. Only sincere poetry can be complete and flawless inside and out.

5. 诗的语言是 回归自然本真 的
  诗从生活语言出发, 指向人性与世相的本真, 而归向于自然。
The language of poetry stems from nature and the self. Poetry begins with ordinary language, speaks directly to humanity and the world, and finds its home in nature.

6. 诗是生命 境界的不断提升
诗源于感情的触发, 以才、气、学、习为动力, 以文化、生活为资源。诗人把以上元素升华成为诗的境界,层层升进,没有止境。
Poetry is the continuous uprising of existence. It is born in passion, driven by talents, by soul and spirit, by learning, and by practice. Poetry taps the resources of culture and life. The poet blends all these into poetry, mounting new plateaus every so often, with no boundary in sight.

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