
© 胡珈诚 新手上路   /  2024-9-29 23:16  /   14 浏览 版权:保留作者信息

The Giantess
Author: Jiacheng Hu

Giantess in green patina, you stand gazing  
at the western heaven—what lies there?  
The hollow pupils, where are they lazing?

The world’s central station, the crystal city's  
gate—when will you open it with your keys?  
You the only one who fathom lies and praises,  
eyes within the horizon behind you, countless.

Until, you've been struggling with icy eternity,  
a time for fifty thousand three hundred seventy,  
yet often, you neither mother nor supremacy.  
So, please open your iron mouth, answer me.

Goddess who holds virtue, giantess of the liberty,  
though you got blind, your features weathered  
by flatters without mercy, a coin but reverse side,  
you lie silently in pockets and wallets by and by.

Mothers of freedom land, you really want them  
to nurse children among drugs or vices so wanton?  
Or will you retreat behind armor of guns and caste,  
waving your rusted crown off the tyrants' blast?

People follow, struggle around your feet to breathe,  
the radiant western heaven where you are beneath.  
As the progeny of Marduk, Tlaloc or Fuxi sail forth,  
seeking but to land by the peaceful robes to meet  
and then softly kiss the ankles of your roman feet.

Bio of the Author:
Jiacheng Hu, born in Jiangsu Province, is an international poet and translator. His works, in both Chinese and English, have appeared in China, Hong Kong, the United States, and beyond. Notable publications include the poetry collection 'The Statue of Clay' (Chinese Poetry Association), 'Mold' (The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press), and the translation 'Selected Poems of Richard Shelton'. He formerly held the position of President at the Xi'an JiaoTong University Suzhou Academy US Center Literature
and Culture Society.
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