admin 发表于 2020-10-21 14:10:44



  本网讯 第二届博鳌国际诗歌节于2020年10月16日至19日在中国海南举行。叶延滨、梅国云、徐敬亚、陈仲义、车延高、Irina Chidonova(伊琳娜·丘特诺娃)、Podareva Anastasia(唐曦兰)等60余位中外诗人、批评家、翻译家出席诗歌节。
















  博鳌国际诗歌节组委会执行主任大卫、中国文化管理协会副秘书长雁西、《延河》诗刊副主编三色堇、《世界诗歌》杂志社社长禺农、博鳌国际诗歌节组委会名誉主任徐敬亚、贵州省诗歌学会会长南鸥分别宣读授奖词并为年度诗人奖获得者俄罗斯诗人伊琳娜·丘特诺娃(Irina Chidonova)、智利诗人罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo)、中国诗人陈小曼、黄梵、陆健、王芳闻颁奖;香山文学院副院长倮倮、厦门城市大学教授陈仲义、岭南师范学院文学与传媒学院院长赵金钟、安徽师范大学教授、博士生导师杨四平、《延河》诗刊副主编王桂林、中国传媒大学教授陆健分别宣读授奖词并为年度诗集奖获得者波兰诗人亚当·扎加耶夫斯基(Adam Zagajewski)、中国诗人艾子、意大利诗人劳拉·贝罗蒂(Laura Bellotti)、中国诗人树才、马累、曹波颁奖;香港中国诗歌学院院长赖廷阶、海南省作家协会副主席艾子、海口市作家协会常务副主席彭桐、宁国市文联主席帅忠平、南京理工大学教授黄梵、中国社会科学院外文所研究员树才分别宣读授奖词并为年度新锐奖获得者德国诗人乔纳斯·林内班克(Jonas Linnebank)、中国诗人余退、阿尔及利亚诗人阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·科兹达(Abdel kadir Kechida)、俄罗斯诗人唐曦兰(Podareva Anastasia)、中国诗人明柍、唐旧颁奖。获奖诗人即席发表获奖感言。受新冠疫情期间隔离管制影响,多位外国诗人未能前来中国领奖而发来书面获奖感言。年度诗人奖获得者、智利诗人罗伯特·艾多,年度诗集奖获得者、意大利诗人劳拉·贝罗蒂,年度新锐奖获得者、德国诗人乔纳斯·林内班克还发来专为获奖感言录制的视频,组委会在现场通过大屏幕电视进行了播放。中国诗人衣米一、山月因个人原因未能出席颁奖典礼。























  下午6时,开幕式进入最后一个环节——“国际诗人丛书”签售。“国际诗人丛书”是以英文、中文、作者母语多语种出版的个人诗集系列,收录具有国际影响的各国著名诗人作品,致力于英语国家和非英语国家的诗歌互译,推动当代诗歌的国际交流。“国际诗人丛书”由博鳌国际诗歌节策划,韩庆成主编,澳大利亚先驱出版社(The Herald Publisher)出版。“丛书”第二部诗集为第三届博鳌国际诗歌奖获奖诗集《诗意与诗人的不确定关系》,这是一部中、英双语版诗集,英文译者为著名翻译家黄少政。诗集作者、著名诗人艾子现场签售。出席开幕式的中外诗人响应热烈,50本诗集很快签售一空。












The Herald Publisher(澳大利亚)




Fernando Rendon(哥伦比亚诗人,世界诗歌运动总协调员、麦德林国际诗歌节主席)


大 卫(诗人,中国诗歌学会会长助理)

Panagiota Christopoulouu–Zaloni(希腊诗人、《KELIANO》诗刊主编)
Domenico DEFELICE(意大利诗人、《POMEZIA-NOTIZIE》诗刊主编)
闻 喜(作家、印尼《国际日报》副总编辑)
秋 笛(诗人、菲律宾《世界日报》文艺副刊主编)
古 月(诗人、《创世纪》诗杂志社长)
辛 牧(诗人、《创世纪》诗杂志总编辑)
Rubina Andredakis(塞浦路斯诗人、《CREATURE FEATURES》文学季刊主编)
Dinko Telecan(克罗地亚诗人、翻译家)
禺 农(诗人、《世界诗歌》杂志社社长)
张 智(诗人、国际诗歌翻译研究中心主席)
乐 冰(诗人、海南省诗歌学会副主席)
彭 桐(诗人、海口市作家协会常务副主席)
牧 野(诗人、世界诗歌网副总编辑)
曹 谁(诗人、世界诗歌网副总编辑)


李 恒(诗人、海南省民间文艺家协会副主席)
秀 群(诗人、海南省作家协会会员)


奥尔笳·维诺格拉多娃(Ольга Владимировна Виноградова,俄罗斯诗人,世界诗歌网学术委员)

田 原(诗人、翻译家,日本城西国际大学教授)
雪 莲(Fiori Picco,意大利汉学家、翻译家)
南 鸥(诗人,贵州省诗歌学会会长)
雁 西(诗人,中国文化管理协会副秘书长)

大 卫(诗人,中国诗歌学会会长助理)
纽都然·杜门(Nurduran Duman,诗人、翻译家,土耳其作家笔会主席团成员)
雁 西(诗人,中国文化管理协会副秘书长)

刘 川(诗人,《诗潮》杂志主编)
安德里娅·里瓦斯(Andrea Rivas,墨西哥诗人、翻译家)
大 枪(诗人,昭通学院文学研究院研究员)
曹 谁(诗人,世界诗歌网副总编辑)


【哥伦比亚】费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)

【俄罗斯】伊琳娜·丘特诺娃(Ирина Чуднова)
【智利】罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo)
【中国】黄 梵
【中国】陆 健

【波兰】亚当·扎加耶夫斯基(Adam Zagajewski)《永恒的敌人》
【意大利】劳拉·贝罗蒂(Laura Bellotti)《超越所有的事与所有的人》

【德国】乔纳斯·林内班克(Jonas Linnebank)
【阿尔及利亚】阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·科兹达(Abdel kadir Kechida)
【俄罗斯】唐曦兰(Podareva Anastasia)

The second Boao International Poetry Festival was held in Boao, Hainan

A group photo of some guests attending the opening ceremony of the second Boao International Poetry Festival

  The second boao international poetry festival was held in hainan, China on October 16th until 19th, 2020. Ye Yanbin, Mei Guoyun, Xu Jingya, Chen Zhongyi, Che Yangao, Irina Chidonova, Podareva Anastasia and other 60 poets, critics and translators attended the poetry festival.
At 2:30 PM on October 17th, the opening ceremony of the second Boao International Poetry Festival was held on the first floor of the International Conference Center of Boao Forum For Asia.The opening ceremony was presided over by Han Qingcheng, secretary-general of the Boao International Poetry Festival. He first conveyed the greetings to Chinese and foreign poets from Huang Yazhou, chairman of the Boao International Poetry Festival, who was unable to attend the Festival due to temporary urgent business. He said that it might be a coincidence that two days ago, it was also here that Typhoon Lanka roared in with wind and rain and swept across the island. Today, distinguished guests and award-winning poets follow the steps of Longka and land in Boao with the light breeze and drizzle of poetry to heal the trauma of typhoons and awaken the devastated beauty with poetry. For the world we live in, poetry will always be a saving, resistant, constructive force. Ye Yanbin, director of the poetry Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, announced the opening of the poetry festival. Mei Guoyun, President of Hainan Writers Association, and Da Wei, assistant to president of The Chinese Poetry Association, delivered welcome speeches respectively. In his speech, Mei Guoyun welcomed Chinese and foreign poets to Hainan and congratulated on the success of the Boao International Poetry Forum and The Boao International Poetry Festival in Hainan for three consecutive years. He said that Hainan is making steady progress in building a free trade port in accordance with the central government's decision and deployment, and to this end, Hainan needs to build a batch of open and interactive international literary platforms in the field of cultural construction. On behalf of the Hainan Writers Association, He welcomed more Chinese and foreign poets and writers to Hainan to become islanders, contribute their ideas and Suggestions to Hainan's cultural construction and literary development, further promote Hainan's international literary exchanges, and make Hainan a new highland for international exchanges and cooperation in Chinese literature. On behalf of the organizing Committee of the second Boao International Poetry Festival, Da Wei would like to extend his welcome to the distinguished guests from home and abroad. He wishes the Chinese and foreign poets would be healthy and happy in Hainan and hopes that the blue sky, white clouds and the sound of ocean waves in Hainan can inspire everyone's enthusiasm for creation and write beautiful poems.

 Ye Yanbin, director of the Poetry Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, has announced the opening of the second Boao International Poetry Festival
 Mei Guoyun, President of Hainan Writers Association, delivered a welcome speech

 Mr. Da wei, Executive Director of the Organizing Committee of the second Boao International Poetry Festival, delivered a welcome speech

 Chen Zhongyi, judge of the 3rd Boao International Poetry Awards, announced the winners list

 Xu Jingya, honorary director of the Organizing Committee of the Second Boao International Poetry Festival, read the award speech of Fernando Lund

 Mei Guoyun and Xu Jingya presented the award to Fernando Lunde, and Cao accepted the award on behalf of the winner

 Che Yangao, Executive Director of the Organizing Committee of the Second Boao International Poetry Festival, read the award speech of Ye Yanbin

 Chen Zhongyi, Che Yangao jointly presented the award for Ye Yanbin

The opening ceremony was host by Han Qingcheng, Secretary-General of Boao International Poetry Festival
After the opening ceremony, the third Boao International Poetry Award ceremony was held. Chen Zhongyi, a professor at Xiamen City University and a judge of the third Boao International Poetry Awards, announced the winners and congratulated the winners. Xu Jingya, a judge of the third Boao International Poetry Awards and professor at the Poetics Center of Hainan University, read the award speech of Fernando Lund, winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award, and jointly presented the award with Chairman Mei Guoyun to Cao Shui, who is the Chinese translator and representative of Fernando Lund. Cao Shui read Fernando Lund's acceptance speech in both Chinese and English. Fernando Lund said in his speech: I want to thank from my heart the generous award of the Boao International Poetry Award for Outstanding Achievement, of which I was recently notified, In my poems, there is a deep drive of my being, of my life, the ancestral memory of myths, the resistance of the present and the dream and the vigorous hope for the future reside equally. I have a deep confidence in the destiny of humanity. I feel very proud and happy to receive this Award that is so important to my life at the present time, and I want to say that I receive this recognition as a tribute to the Medellin International Poetry Festival, to Colombian and Latin American poetry, to the courageous struggle of the Colombian people for freedom and democracy and for the resistance of the human spirit in the most difficult time of world circumstances.Although I cannot be present with you today, as I would like, due to the universal effects of the pandemic, I have all my thoughts on China, a giant country that I have had the wonderful opportunity to visit four times. I have been happy in this country to which I was invited the first time by the prominent poet Jidi Majia. Thus I could breathe the atmosphere of expansive Qinghai Lake; the evocative stone mountains of Huangshan, to whose peaks Li Bai raised his steps; Sichuan province, where the poet Du Fu and the philosopher Lao Tse produced and bequeathed their works, essential to the spiritual history of mankind; and I was also able to visit the ancient city of Xi'an, so closely linked with antiquity China, where I attended a performance of a Tang Dynasty drama, which produced exquisite poetic art. So I must sincerely say to you, thank you for your generous solidarity, thank you for awarding me the International Poetry Award for Outstanding Achievement, thank you for your deep friendship.
  Che Yangao, executive director of the Organizing Committee of the second Boao International Poetry Festival, read out the award speech of Ye Yanbin, winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award, and jointly presented the award to Ye with Professor Chen Zhongyi. Ye Yanbin delivered an impromptu speech. 'I have participated in and presided over many poetry awards,' he said. 'But the number of votes for all the candidates seem has been not published yet like the Boao International Poetry Awards.' In my opinion, as a folk award, boao International Poetry Award is a professional jury, and the selection process is transparent and fair. Therefore, I would like to pay tribute to so many outstanding poets who are engaged in folk activities to award this prize to me. In this era, especially in the year of Geng Zi, poets expressed to the world in their own humble voices that life is precious, tomorrow can be won, and every dawn will still come. I think it is particularly meaningful to set up the Poetry Award at Boao, because at the beginning, the Boao Forum was an international platform for dialogue, exchange and mutual integration. Poetry cannot be lost on this platform. Thank you to all the judges and thank you all of you for coming together in this season to show that our hearts are bound together. After a month, I will be 72, and I feel that this award is a tribute to the hard work of the first half of my life and gives me the confidence to continue writing poetry that makes the world and makes people happy.

Mr. Da Wei, assistant to the President of the Chinese Poetry Society, read the award speech and presented the award to Irina Chidonova

Irina Chidonova delivered an acceptance speech

 Yanxi, deputy secretary general of the China Cultural Management Association, read the speech and presented the award to his representatives

 Sansejing, deputy editor-in-chief of Yanhe Poetry magazine, read out award speech of Chen Xiaoman and presented the award to her

 Xu Jingya, honorary director of the Organizing committee of Boao International Poetry Festival, read out the speech and presented the award to Lu Jian

 Yu Nong, President of world Poetry magazine, read out award speech and presented the award to Huang Fan
 Nan Ou, President of Guizhou Poetry Society, read award speech and presented the award to Wang Fangwen

Boao international poetry festival organizing committee executive director Da Wei, Chinese culture management association deputy secretary-general Yan Xi, deputy editor of Yanhe magazine San Sejing, President of world poetry magazine Yu Nong, honorary chairman of boao international poetry festival organizing committee Xu Jingya, association of guizhou poetry association Nan Ou read the words of prizes and respectively gave awards to the poet Russian poet Irina Chidonova, Chilean poet Roberto Aedo, Chinese poets Chen Xiaoman, Huang Fan, Lu Jian, Wang Fangwen; vice President of the Xiangshan liberal arts college Luo Luo, Chen Zhongyi, a professor at the university of Xiamen City, Ling Nan Normal University, dean of the school of literature and media Zhao Jinzhong, Anhui normal university, professor, doctoral supervisor Yang Si Ping, deputy editor of Yanhe magazine Wang Guilin, professor of communication university of China Lu Jian read the words of prizes and respectively gave prizes to the poets who won the Annual Poetry Collection award, Poland poet Adam Zagajewski, the Chinese poet Ai Zi, Italian poet Laura Bellotti, Chinese poet Shu Cai, Ma Lei and Cao Bo; dean of Hong Kong Chinese poetry Lai Tingjie, vice chairman of Hainan Province Writers Association Ai Zi, executive vice President of Haikou Writers Association Peng Tong,vice chairman ofNing guo city federation chairman ShuaiZhongPing Peng Tong, chairman of Ningguo City Literary Federation Shuai Zhongping, professor of Nanjing University of Science and Technology Huang Fan, Professor at Institute of Foreign Languages in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Shu Cai read the words of prizes and respectively gave prizes to winner of New Talent Poets, German poet Jonas Linnebank, Chinese poets Yu Tui, Algeria poet Abdel kadir Kechida, Russian poet Tang Xilan (Podareva Anastasia), Chinese poet Mingyang, Tangjiu. The winning poet made acceptance speeches. Due to the quarantine control during the COVID-19 epidemic, many foreign poets were unable to come to China to receive their awards and sent written acceptance speeches. Chile poet and winner of the Annual Poet Award Robert Eddo, Italian poet and winner of the Annual Poetry Collection Award Laura Belotti, Germany poet and winner of the New Talent award Jonas Linnebank, also sent a video of their acceptance speech, which was broadcast on a large screen television. Chinese poets Yimiyi and Shan Yue were unable to attend the ceremony due to personal reasons.

 Luoluo, deputy director of the Xiangshan Literature Academy, read out the award speech ofAdam Zagayevsky ‘s “Eternal Enemies” and presented the award, Russian poet Tang Xilan accepted the award on behalf of the winner.

Chen Zhongyi, a professor at Xiamen City University, read outthe award speech of Ai Zi’s “Poetry That Eludes Poets "and presented the award to her

 Zhao Jinzhong, dean of the school of literature and media of Lingnan Normal University, read award speech of Laura Belotti's "Beyond Everything And Everyone" and presented the award. Li Heng accepted the award on behalf of the winner.

 Yang Siping, professor and doctoral supervisor of Anhui Normal University, read out the award speech of shucai's "Rhythm Practice" and presented the award to him

 Wang Guilin, deputy chief editor of Yanhe Poetry magazine, read out the award speech for Male's "Inner Snow: Male poems" and presented the award to him

Lu Jian, professor of the Communication University of China, read out the award speech of Cao Bo’s “You’re a cat” and presented the award to him

Roberto Aedo said in vedio: I wanted to start this short speech with this image and a little reflection, because I want you to know why it is really a great honor to receive a poetry award in China. For me, contact with China is a way to come back and get in touch with some of the roots beyond (or behind) my own roots as a Chilean and Latinoamerican man, but also as a poet. Even though I proudly write in Cervantes's language, falling in love with Tang Dynasty's poets such as Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi, with Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, made me want to discover more of the roots of Chinese poetry, the oldest world poetry tradition, and then came my encounter with the Shījīng, the Chu Ci, and —because poetry can be in verse or prose— I still have left to read the Four Classic Novels and so much more to discover and love. In 2018 I was invited to the second version of the IWP of the Lu Xun Academy of Literature, when I had the opportunity to be for the first time in China and fall in love even more —if that were possible— with its people and culture. Before getting there, I was already aware of some of the main contemporary heirs of Chinese poetry tradition (Bei-Dao, Yu Jian, Gu Cheng) When I was a little boy, adults used to say to children that if one digs a hole deep enough you will not get to the center of the Earth, but to China. However, in a certain way, as an adult I did it, and although because these quarantine times I'm not able to be there with you all in person, I continue writing a poetry collection about my Chinese experience, reading poetry and translating, and I have to confess that it has been even better —much better— than what I imagined and expected as a child.
Thank you so much and —if God allows— I hope to come back to China any day soon.

 Roberto Aedo delivered an acceptance speech via video
 Laura Bellotti delivered an acceptance speech via video
Laura Bellotti said in the video:with so much emotion and with tremendous honour I’m glad to thank you all for this prestigious award attributed to my collection of poems named “oltre tutto e tutti” which in English can be “Beyond Everything and Everybody”.This third prize has a deep value and meaning to me:If on the one hand it is an appreciation towards my writing and the value of my work; on the other hand on a personal level I see it as a prize to a life path, as this book encloses a part of my life.As a poetry writer, what leads me to write is something very intimate: are not only emotions and feelings, the poetry is born from a “soul vibration”, this is the most comprehensive description I can give it.In the verse contained in this book I tried to condense experiences made first-hand by me and my partner, and human values that guided our life journey. Sometimes, life is fraught with difficulties and heaviness, but the strength given by a genuine and reciprocal love filled with respect and dignity allows to overcome any obstacle.Sometimes it’s necessary to break the mould to truly express ourselves, it takes great strength and it can terribly hurt; but the deep respect for the values and in the name of the pure love it is possible to find a new balance.I got the chance and the privilege to meet some extraordinarily-ordinary people and I decided to dedicate them the second part of the book. In their ordinariness they have proved and are continuing to prove an uncommon power. I just called them “heroes” as in each of their lives we can find noble examples of human values:Respect for life and for people, dignity, courage, faithfulness, loyalty and real love.Those are universal values that haven’t and should not have any border; therefore, I retrieved and found them in distant cultures from the one from which I come. In conclusion I thank you again for this prize

 Mr. Lai Tingian, dean of The Chinese Poetry Academy in Hong Kong, read the Jonas Linnebank award and presented the award. Cao received the award on behalf of him. Jonas Linnebank delivered his acceptance speech on video, with Cao translating it simultaneously
 Ai Zi, vice chairman of The Hainan Writers Association, read out the award speech and presented the award to Yu Tui

 Peng Tong, executive vice President of Haikou Writers Association, read out award speech and presented the award to Abdel kadir Kechida
. Xiu Qun accepted the award on behalf of the winner.  The chairman of Ningguo City Literary Federation Shuai Zhongping read out the award speech and presented the award to Tang Xilan

 Nanjing university of technology, professor Huang Fan read out award speech and presented the award to Mingyang
Shu Cai, researcher of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, read out the speech and presented the award to Tang Jiu

Jonas Linnebank said in vedio: First of all I want to say that I feel very honoured to be among the Awarded New Talent Poets of the Year of the Third Boao International Poetry Award 2020. Thank you! I would like to thank Nurduran Duman for thinking of me. We met at a Cologne Poetry Festival some years ago and since then she is part of the European Literature Festival Köln Kalk which I am curator of. I want to quote her from a letter she wrote for the second edition of the festival this year: There she says:“When you translate a text to another language, you transfer a new breath to that language. A world passes to another world.And I believe that and I suggest to whole World that if World Peace is wanted, then all the countries should have a serious political program of Literature Translation. With literature translation people from different countries can understand each other, forgive each other, love each other. Literature is the key to accept each other, and helps ourselves to grow up, to develop. I am impressed by and happy for this certainty which I sometimes lack. People who write know that it is already a somewhat difficult task to transfer thought from one person to another, even if you speak the same language. Translating, then, seems an almost impossible task when you muse about what is actually happening there: thinking what another person thought in one’s own words with the help of the (maybe foreign and strange) words of this other person or vice versa and to finally write it down anew, re-formulating, re-writing it. But so here I sit at my kitchen table, writing to you some thousand kilometers away from Cologne and feeling absurdly happy that I may not be able to reach my neighbor with whom I live wall to wall but that you translated, read and liked my poetry. So, again: Thank you and hopefully hear, see and read you soon.
 Winner of the Poet of the Year Irina Chutenova delivered an impromptu acceptance speech, thanking the organizing committee for awarding her the third Boao International Poetry Award. ‘Before, I only knew that China was an ancient country,' she says. 'Without poetry, I wouldn't fall in love with Chinese culture the way I do now.' I like ancient Chinese poems and have also translated them. Gradually, I incorporated the ancient Chinese culture into my poems. I would like to be a messenger of cultural exchanges between China and Russia, and I hope that through my poems, the Russian people will more understand China. Here, I would like to thank Mr. Wang Jianzhao for his translation of my poem. I also hope that Chinese readers can understand today's Russia and Russian people living in China through my poems. Thank you.
 Lu Jian, winner of the Poet of the Year award, said in an extempore speech: Today, attending the opening ceremony of the Poetry Festival, I feel quite different. Just now, I was thinking that the Boao International Poetry Award is, to a large extent, a prize supported by its sponsor, Mr. Han Qingcheng. It also occurred to me that the Nobel Prize in Literature was facilitated in the beginning by one man, in the form of a will, of course. The significance of an award like this is extraordinary. At the same time, I think, today, we are at the third Boao International Poetry Award, so there will be a fifth, a tenth... Today, I see everyone is wear formal wear,so the fifth, tenth, we may wear rich dress. As we know, when the Nobel Prize for Literature is awarded, the winner and all the guests are required to wear rich dress. I'm in my 60s, I've been writing for more than 40 years, and I've found warmth and strength through poetry. Many of you are friends of mine for many years. This spiritual exchange is part of my happy life. In life, I try not to tell lies, especially now, not to tell a lie, I could without talking, but I do not tell lies. But some inner feelings, it will always be there... People live to be old, his heart is still a child, I hope others praise him, give him an honor, let his heart sweet for a while, this is also in the future life, let him get strength, get comfort a way. Of course, today's Boao International Poetry Festival is a very grand. Boao will become an important name card of Chinese civilization in the future. Here are the sea, the blue sky, poetry... Today in Boao, let us pay tribute to poetry once again.
  Huang Fan, winner of the Poet of the Year award, said in his acceptance speech: "In the year in which the novel coronavirus has afflicted the world, in the year in which morality has become a crisis, the meaning of poetry has not changed. It is about saving civilization and perpetuating civilization. It is, of course, to allow salvation to take place in language, to lead us to the things that are most valuable, to allow language to reflect what kind of memory is most important, to allow language to help us to carry on the most creative thinking. For me personally, sharing civilization with others is not much different from the countless images I create in my poetry, but an effort to transcend myself. Civilization embodies the transcendent efforts and achievements of mankind for thousands of years. The poet can only revive civilization in him and human history in one's memory. The true civilization is to make us less narrow-minded, prejudiced and prejudiced, which is exactly the meaning of poetry aesthetics. By sharing diversified aesthetics, more people can become users of civilization and guardians of their own will. Writing poetry has made me realize that the deeper and broader the connotation of poetry, the closer the relationship between poetry and life, the more the confession of poetry can become civilization itself. The real limitation comes from the misunderstanding of poetry and civilization, poetry and life. To write poetry is to find a civilized language for The Times, or a civilization within a language, which often makes a poet a loner. I would like to thank the judges of the third Boao International Poetry Awards for presenting me this award!"
  Wang Fangwen, winner of the Poet of the Year award, said in her acceptance speech: "I am a drop of water from the Yellow River, which occasionally flows into the chorus of the South China Sea. From the starting point of the silk Road on land to the starting point of the Silk Road on the sea, I have unexpectedly harvested the most magnificent notes in my life. Boao gave me a sea moon award, which made my songs swell and shine."
 Chen Xiaoman, winner of the Poet of the Year award,said in her acceptance speech: "A life accompanied by literature is warm, with the guidance of literature, I have opened up another life space with infinite possibilities. Using poetry as a medium, I got to know good teachers and friends from all over the world. This award has convinced me that literature is worthy of my lifelong commitment."
 Ai Zi,winner of the Annual Poetry Collection award,said in her acceptance speech:"Poetry is a spiritual portal that takes me from the known world to the ignorant world and allows me to maintain the constant passion of a woman. Thanks for boao International Poetry Festival Organizing Committee, thanks all the judges and guests."
Shu Cai,winner of the Annual Poetry Collection award,said in his acceptance speech: The Boao International Poetry Award reminds me of three words: writing, translating and publishing. This award is actually given to Ouyang Yu, the outstanding poet, translator and novelist in Melbourne, Australia. He is a man of great personality and this award reminds me more of his efforts. A poetry collection, from one language to another, from one country to another, not only needs the effort of writing and translating, but also needs the support of publishing. The poet's inner language to poetry collection, and then to foreign poetry collection, this process is a test for every poet. Now Chinese poetry just comes to such an entrance. In addition to writing, I also translated some French poems into Chinese. After entering the new century, the field of Chinese poetry is not only in China, but also in other languages. Only when Chinese poetry meets other languages, Chinese poets will get more mirrors. The light has a mirror, still do not see their own reality, but also have a mirror to see different sides, so that their writing will show more subtle face. I feel happy to get this award. At the same time, I would like to thank Ouyang Yu for his excellent translation. Finally, I wish the Boao International Poetry Festival and the award will continue. Let poetry in such a turbulent time, to comfort the heart, bring the power of hope.
 Ma Lei, winner of the Annual Poetry Collection award,said in his acceptance speech: I would like to thank all the leaders and judges of the Boao International Poetry Awards for awarding me the Annual poetry collection Award of the third Boao International Poetry Awards. At this time when poetry awards are a dime a dozen, I know the weight of this award. It is the boao International Poetry Awards and the organizers with the spirit of a mountain of snow, the increasing number of contemporary poetry left a star light. I will certainly cherish this rare honor, make further progress.
 Cao Bo, winner of the Annual Poetry Collection award,said in his acceptance speech: "Standing on the podium, I would like to thank every teacher for your recognition of my work. It is an honor for me to share this podium with the world's leading poets and colleagues. As teachers have said, there is still a long way to go for Chinese poetry to integrate into the world, which requires us to open our hearts, communicate and integrate with the world poetry in all aspects, and sincerely learn from it. Boao International Poetry Festival serves as an excellent platform. I hope it can continue to carry the burden and contribute to the internationalization of Chinese poetry. Let's work together."
  Yu Tui, the winner of the New Talent of the Year Award, said in his acceptance speech: In so many literary and artistic categories, the term "poet" refers to a person, unlike photographers, calligraphers, etc., which makes the term unique and gives some comfort to those of us who struggle with words. I would like to thank the organizer for awarding me this "New Talent Award". I have been writing poetry since my college days. It has been nearly 20 years, and my writing has naturally left the lyric and distance of my youth, and fallen closer to my preference for the texture and texture of words. What is poetry? This is still a puzzle to me. I can only approach it while writing, just like I have to run to feel the wind on a windless day. I experience both the heat inside and the instant coolness. When you stop, it seems to disappear, and when you continue to run, it reappears. This is very frustrating, much like Sisyphus having to push a falling stone. It's there, it's not there. In this sense, the poet seems to walk on the boundary between nothingness and eternity as if walking on a tightrope in the air, extracting from tears the crystal and tiny salt by the fire provided by language. Thank you poetry, thank you short, thank you Boao."
Tang Xilan,the winner of the New Talent of the Year Award, said in her acceptance speech: I am honored to receive the "New Talent of the Year award". At this moment, I feel not only happy, touched, but also feel glorious. This award is a recognition and encouragement for me. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my poetry friends for their care, support and help in my creation. I have lived in China for seven years and writing poems have become a habit of self-expression. From simple hobbies, to writing for the purpose of practicing Chinese, to expressing my heart's feelings from the bottom of my heart, I have learned to turn my love for China into a line of verses, either orderly or irregular, just like the steps of a poet growing up. In the future, I will continue to improve my writing ability and make my own contribution to the literary exchange between China and Russia.
  Mingyang, the winner of the New Talent of the Year Award, said in her acceptance speech: "Thank you for this encouragement at the Boao International Poetry Awards. Adorno said: 'After Auschwitz, writing poetry is barbaric. ’Poetry is my slave owner and savior. The sublime is the negative beauty, the beauty is the positive pleasure, and when I feel the most intense pleasure in poetry, it is when I have spent all night writing poetry, engaged in Bakhtin orgies, and poetry has become my polyphony, my synchrony. Poetry is my every square metre, my every second. So many nights of writing poetry, it's hard to express in just a few lines. I think what I want to say, and what I can't say, are all in poetry."
 Tangjiu, the winner of the New Talent of the Year Award, said in his acceptance speech: Standing here, I think of the fast food restaurant in front of my junior high school. At that time, I would eat a $2 fried cake, turn a few pages of Byron and Dufu, and add a bag of spicy dry tofu after reading happily. Whether in the street shop or Boao Forum, poetry is the same, I write poetry with the same greedy and lazy, as suddenly want to Wudang Mountain, as the human society really good looking, as in the dark night eager for the full moon. I will always write: novels, plays, poems, lyrics, it is an extension of life.
Lai Tingjie, executive director of the organizing committee of the third International Micro Poetry Contest and chairman of the host unit Huana Shengda Film and Television Culture and media Group, delivered a speech
Li Bujia, editorial board member of The World Poetry Website, read out the award speech and presented the award to Yeniu jointly with Muye, deputy editor-in-chief of the World Poetry Website

Chen Bolai, editorial board member of The World Poetry Website, read out the award speech and presented the award to Gududayan jointly with Che Yangao, deputy director of World Poetry Website academic Committee
Wu Yue, director of the Hainan Writers Association, read out the award speech and presented the award to Huaxinfeng jointly with Irina Chidonova
Then, the third "International Micro-poetry Award" award ceremony was held. One poet won the Platinum Writer Award, two poets won the Gold Writer Award, three poets won the Silver Writer Award, and 15 poets won the Excellent Writer Award. The third international micro poetry contest executive director of the organizing committee, the organizer of Huana Shengda film and television culture media group Lai Tingjie on behalf of the organizers said, "international micro poetry contest has conducted three sessions, winning entries have been published in the World Daily, International Daily, Genesis, Poetry Tide, World Poets, Poetry Weekly and other domestic and overseas media. Discovery, launched dozens of previously unknown Chinese and foreign poets, such as ShiHuang, liaodong TianLai, kaka, Zhengyue, Xu Jiantong line, Fan Rong, Fang Shikai, Xingshun, Yang Xiangjun, Andrea Rivas, Mario Bojaquez, Mohammed Shanazar, Shama Abdul Rasool, Umut Yalim, etc. The International Micro Poetry Contest and the International Micro Poetry Award have become the international brand of Micro poetry. Here, I would like to pay high tribute to all the first and final judges of the competition and the judges of the International League. With the rapid popularization of the Internet and smart phones, it has become a fashion for poetry to be created, disseminated and communicated through real-time communication tools featuring "micro", such as WeChat, weibo, twitter, facebook and douyin. In recent years, the domestic and foreign three lines poem, truncated sentence, miniature poem and so on become the poetry hot spot. Internationally, Japanese Haiku is widely accepted by non-Japanese countries as a sign that micro-poetry has become popular all over the world. In order to conform to this trend, we propose and advocate the concept of micro-poetry "free poetry within five elements". This concept has been recognized by more and more poets at home and abroad for its features of embracing haiku, miniature poem, truncated sentence, three-quotation poem and other forms of micro-poetry. In order to further flourish the creation of micro-poetry and promote the international exchange of micro-poetry, the world Poetry Network, Huana Shengda Film and Television Culture media Group Co., Ltd. and The International Poetry Translation Research Center jointly held the third international Micro-poetry Competition this year.The international Micro poetry Contest was held according to the three seasons of "earth", "ocean" and "sky". From April 26th, 2020, when the "Earth Season" started, to October 2th, 2020, the voting of the "International League" lasted for more than 5 months. A total 71 poets won the winning award of the season and qualified for the "International League". Within the deadline, 56 Chinese and foreign poets sent their works to the International Poetry League. After being publicized by the organizing committee, they would be submitted to the jury of the third International Micro-poetry Competition for public voting on the international Poetry Competition channel of the World Poetry Network. The whole competition is open and transparent. The winning works of the season and the league are publicized and fully subject to online supervision.
World poetry web editor committee Libujia, the syndic of Hainan province writers association and the committee member of the world poetry editorial board Chen Bolai,the director of Hainan province writers association, chairman of Qionghai writers association Wu yue read word of prizes respectively, and compared with Muye, Che Yangao, Irina Chidonova present the awards together to platinum writers prize winner Yeniu, gold prize winner Gududayan, silver writers prize winner Huaxinfeng. Yeniu,Gududayan,Huaxinfeng successively delivered acceptance speech.

Premiere of 21st century Chinese poetry series
 The founding of World Poetry magazine and the opening ceremony of the Chinese Editorial Office

"International Poets Series" : The signing of Ai Zi's award-winning anthology " Poetry That Eludes Poets "
The venue of opening ceremony
At the end of the award ceremony, the first event of "21st Century Chinese Poetry Collection" was held (news will be released separately), and the launch ceremony of the magazine "World Poetry" and the Chinese Editorial Department was held (news will be released separately).
  At 6 pm, the opening ceremony entered its final session, the signing of "International Poets Book series". The "International Poets Series" is a collection of personal poems published in English, Chinese and the author's native language. It includes the works of famous poets from various countries with international influence. It is dedicated to the mutual translation of poems from English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries and promotes the international exchange of contemporary poetry. "International Poets Series" is planned by Boao International Poetry Festival, edited by Han Qingcheng, and published by The Herald Publisher. The second volume of the anthology is " Poetry That Eludes Poets ", which won the third Boao International Poetry Collection Award. It is bilingual in Chinese and English and is translated by Huang Shaozheng, a famous translator. Ai Zi, the author, famous poet, signed the book on the spot. Chinese and foreign poets who attended the opening ceremony responded enthusiastically, and 50 books were quickly signed and sold out.
 Other poet who attended the opening ceremony were Cao Shan, Lao Jia Meng Quan, Xing Shun, Zhong Ling, Zhao Jianying, Ma Anxue, Xu Tianan, Sa Ren Tu Ya, Hou Zhen Yu, Golden ocean,Hu Xingchang, Bacheng, Sengseng, Wang Guoping, Li Yangsheng, Xie Xinghe and so on, Mingyang translated simultaneously on the spot.

Boao International Poetry Forum 2020 hosted by Chen Zhongyi and Yang Siping
Irina Chidonova made a speech

Shu Cai made a speech

The hall of forum
On the morning of 18th, boao International Poetry Forum 2020, with the theme of "Opportunities and Challenges of Internet Poetry in the context of Novel Coronavirus", was held at the conference hall of Boao Island Forest Sea view Hotel. Annual meeting was presided over by a famous critic Chen Zhongyi and Yang siping, Xu Jingya, Che Yangao, Da Wei,Shu cai, irina, Luo Luo, Sansejing, Yunong, ShuaiZhongPing, Wang Fangwen, Lai Tingjie, Libujia, Muye, Chen Bolai, Chen Xiaoman, Yutui, Mingyang, Cao Bo, Sa ren tu ya, Lao jia meng quan, Caoshan,Bacheng,Ye niu, Xing shun, Tangjiu, Hu xingchang, Ma anxue,Xiuqun etc. attended the forum and thematic speech (the content will be released separately).

The founder of Hainan Forest Hotel Feng Qingxiong told the story Qionghai home village stories and the talent of island local cultural tourism hotel
Forest Hotel leaves (employees) played the wonderful singing and dancing performance

Nan Ou made a speech

On the evening of 16th, an extraordinary "Forest Story Party" was held in the conference hall of Boao Island Forest Sea view Hotel. Party hosted by Hainan famous host Peng Tong, founder of Hainan Forest Hotel Feng Qingxiong told the story Qionghai local stories and the talent of island home village cultural tourism hotel, Forest Hotel leaves (employees) played the wonderful singing and dancing performance, The atmosphere was warm and deepened the poets' understanding of Forest Inn and Forest Hotel, the leaders of Boao, Qionghai and Hainan local cultural and tourism hotels. Before the recitation of the works, Nan Ou introduced the designated wine for this poetry Festival -- Guizhou Ethnic Wine Industry (Group) and Yang Shunyong, chairman of the board. He said that Mr. Yang Shunyong is an entrepreneur with extraordinary cultural feelings and a strategic partner of Guizhou Poetry Society. He was on behalf of Mr. Yang Shunyong, he would like to wish poetry and congratulate on the success of the second Boao International Poetry Festival!

Partial guests visited the site of the Boao Forum for Asia

partial guests visited Liuke Village

Xu Jingya, Chen Zhongyi, substituted coconut water for wine in Tanmen town

 During the festival, the poets also visited boao Forum for Asia, Boao Liuke Village, new highland of beautiful countryside in Hainan, Qionghai Tanmen Town and Haikou Sea World Shell Culture Museum.

涛声 发表于 2020-10-21 16:15:09


翟永立 发表于 2020-10-21 16:19:40


沛彧 发表于 2020-10-21 16:32:25


世界期刊 发表于 2020-10-21 16:56:58


云帆沧海 发表于 2020-10-21 17:36:56


刘春霞 发表于 2020-10-21 18:02:30


独孤霖 发表于 2020-10-21 18:36:18


孙连克 发表于 2020-10-21 18:44:41


沙漠 发表于 2020-10-21 21:38:43

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查看完整版本: 第二届博鳌国际诗歌节在海南博鳌举行